How May I Help?


Susan Glow,

Driven by my desire to help people succeed and thrive, I have been enabling clients to realize their financial goals for more than 20 years. I believe that each of us is here to make a positive mark on the world, and in helping clients make theirs I, too, make mine.

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A Personal Note


I was born and raised in Evergreen and, but for a few years in San Francisco and Italy, have lived in Boulder all of my adult life. I love this community and have been invested for years in helping it grow and flourish. I sit on a number of local boards and am very active in the philanthropic community, both through my own volunteering and giving, but also in helping others find ways to give back. I am the mother of a very active and outgoing young man and together, we enjoy anything and everything that involves being outside, helping others, and rescuing animals. I am so thankful to be raising him in this beautiful place we call home.


My grandparents were self-described “children of the Great Depression”. They lived in the mindset of scarcity and frugality. My grandfather was a mechanic for TWA and my grandmother, a mother and part-time secretary. Neither were college educated. However, they were both diligent, determined and instinctual. My grandmother, having no particular training, started investing a portion of each of their paychecks in the stock market when they were quite young and newly married:  blue chip stocks that she understood and that she believed would stand the test of time.  A few dollars at a time, tracked by penciled hand in a ledger book that survives her. Over her long lifetime, she amassed quite a formidable portfolio. Self-taught and vigilant, she created something from nothing (or very little) and has been one of my greatest sources of inspiration. 

Late in her life and after my grandfather’s passing, she asked my advice about one of her stock holdings. I had just received my MBA degree and she thought I might have some insight that would help her… I don’t recall whether I did or not, but I do recall looking at her holdings and various estate documents and wondering whether any of her “advisors” were truly paying attention. It became clear later that a lot had been missed or done sloppily and it took my mother a long time to unravel her estate (with my help).  This is when I knew my calling: I was going to use my business and financial acumen to help people (especially widows and divorcees) understand and make the most of their wealth.

For the past seventeen years, I’ve been helping clients with complicated financial situations simplify and streamline their financial lives, without compromising productivity. Especially in Boulder, my clients have busy, active, productive lives and don’t necessarily have the time, interest or practical knowledge to effectively manage their financial matters. This is where I come in… My responsibility in working with any client is to ensure that their financial engine is running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. This includes facilitating and monitoring new investments, ensuring that the current portfolios are producing, coordinating efforts among providers (accountants, estate and other attorneys, bookkeepers, other advisors, etc.) so that “the left hand always knows what the right hand is doing”, and generally managing the interconnected aspects of said client’s financial network. Done properly, this not only saves the client time, but also saves money through efficiency and experience.

My goals in any client relationship are:

  1. To give him/her/them the confidence and peace of mind that the ENTIRETY of their financial portfolio is working as smoothly and efficiently as a well-oiled machine

  2. To identify and help fill any gaps in his/her/their financial landscape

  3. To help develop and maintain a healthy relationship between the client and his/her/their finances that will endure the ups and downs inherent in any financial environment.